A Data Revolution, When Cultures Meet, and The Nature of Things showcased the dean’s priorities and received immense donor support.
When Dean Randolph arrived in summer of 2015, he laid out a vision to ensure that Weinberg College students and faculty were positioned to thrive in today’s interconnected and complex world. He worked closely with generous donors to invest in three important themes.

A Data Revolution – Analyze, interpret, visualize, and use big data
As new technologies produce torrents of easily accessible data, Weinberg College provides the curriculum and research tools necessary to prepare our students and equip our faculty to navigate our increasingly data-driven world. Gifts to The Data Revolution helped support the quantitative research performed in our Department of Economics and its prestigious centers and helped launch the Data Science curriculum, which was the fastest growing area of undergraduate study in the last four years. Gifts were also made to equip first-generation, low-income students to excel in quantitative-based areas of our curriculum, and donors invested in faculty in math and the quantitative social sciences.
Learn more about the global hub, home of the Department of Economics.
Read about the new Data Science curriculum
See the latest faculty research in the Data Revolution
When Cultures Meet: Giving perspective and context to cultures and intercultural meetings around the globes
Weinberg College has always been a leader in offering curriculum and fostering research that interrogates and promotes intercultural understanding. Donors privileged this thematic area, supporting the creation of the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, centers focused on historical studies and area studies, a new program in creative writing, and honors for top faculty in areas such as art theory and practice.
Learn more about the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures.
The Nature of Things: Studying our relationship with nature
How to conceive of our position in and with nature continues to be an enduring challenge. Donors invested in a range of areas to help our faculty and students deepen this understanding. From research grants in quantitative biology or physics and astronomy, to faculty chairs in nanoscience and chemistry, your investments supported our faculty as they led world-class research. Other gifts helped students take advantage of unparalleled learning experiences in plant biology or the environment.
Thank you to generous donors who enabled us to reimagine the interdisciplinary arts and sciences in ways that prepared students and equipped faculty for success in today’s complex world.
Watch below: Learn how Weinberg College helps students make an impact in an increasingly complex world filled with challenges and opportunities.